19 Oct 2007

Word up my homeeees

Howdy, just a quicky so you know I'm still alive. As if any of you even care.
Well this week has been a bit of a non-starter, pretty much just sitting around the house trying to call people to give me a job.
Last week was the end of Ramadan, and over the weekend were quite a few Eid partys. Here it's called Hari Raya Aidilfitri, shortened to Raya. I've made a new friend, called Ashka, who just bought the mamak shop (indian food place) downstairs. So he invited us to an Eid dinner on Saturday, where we ate lovely rice and spicy chicken. The festive spirit caused Vanessa and I to hold our first house party in the flat, so all our mates came over and we didn't go to sleep until 7am. We made a large vat of punch from black market spirits bought in one of the many such shops that sell dodgy imported booze (fortified with turpentine and such like, class) which got everybody well and truely conked. I'm not so sure if this is truely in the spirit of Islamic holy festivals (well that's a lie, I'm bloody certain that getting drunk quite forbidden) but it's OK cos all present were infidels anyway. Not that I didn;t invite my muslim friends (yes, evil Tim, the great international sin propagator), but one of the main parts of the Hari Raya festival is to Balik Kampung (return to village), so all my Malay friends were scattered to the far reaches of the countryside going to open houses and gorging themselves on Raya food after a month of abstinance in daylight hours.
I'll put the choice cut of party photos on here when my laptop stops being gay and actually lets me use the internet.

Amongst other things I got my teeth descaled in the week (apparently I had deep plaque and she dug right down into the gums, which bled profusely), she's going to polish them for me on Monday - all for the princely sum of 11 pounds, and I got a free toothbrush and toothpaste.
I also got a bit of an ear infection, so having those syringed in the morning - always an experience that brings deep joy. Oh yes.
Erm, oh my knee also swelled up, but thats enough of my problems. It's been one of those weeks when I feel like a lepur cos suddenly everything went wrong with me.

Oh and we got tickets to a rave next weekend, down in Malacca. Global Gathering festival. Jolly good.

Get my laptop fixed tomorrow (after the ear syringing), so I'll update photos innit

love to all

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