3 Feb 2008

Mum and dad gone home now, just heard they back in UK safe and well

So there we have it, another chapter in the Malaysian epic has come to an end - mum and dads first visit went off without a hitch (well, just about anyway, a few minor tweaks and twiddles but nowt major). It feels a bit weird with things just getting back to normal now, cos they both fit in here very well indeed. In an amazing twist of what I imagined would happen they both went home having lost weight - which is something I find amazing cos I just get fatter everyday what with food being so lovely and bountiful. But there we go, life always has a few surprises.

Shame they've gone, I just got used to having them around and there is just so much more stuff to show them and places to visit. Next time, I have no doubt they're gonna come back (even after they get home and get the credit card bill) cos they didn't really seem all that happy to be leaving. I rekon they both gonna have a bit of a shock going home to the freezing snow and bland food of the UK - fairly sure the biggest knock is going to come when they wake up in the morning and realise all their joints and arthritis hurts again after 2 weeks of it being much less painful due to the humidity and heat. They probably not going to miss the constant sweating mind, but there always has to be a price to pay.

Bizarrely in this post I'm not going to put more pictures of their holiday, because I left the drive with them on at home, but I have got some more pictures from our caving trip (and white water rafting) the other week - I only just got given them today, they were from Julians camera. Have a peek at these, lots of fun.
Now this week I have to do lots of frantic running around to make sure these 2 adverts get finished and broadcast on time, after that I go down to Singapore for chinese new year with Vanessas family, so hopefully I'm going to get the opportunity to visit the botanical gardens there, unless it bloody rains again and foils my plans.
Let you know whats going on down there when I get the next opportunity to babble at you,
love to all

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