13 Jun 2008

Yes, I'm a coward, but it's probably best to be diplomatic

Hmmm, in a moment of angry madness I posted some jolly old ravings about the petrol increase. Well, I got in trouble with the misses, as well, basically I didn't really think to cleverly before going and raging about all sorts. So in a rare act of tact and diplomacy, I have decided it's best to capitulate and delete them.
It does make sense, after all, my white flesh does make me an eternal follower and even if I had lived her 80 years I'd still be matsalleh and so shouldn't try and interfere. Also I don't wanna get mistaken for a spy/agitator or some such and then cause an international incident.
So there we go, shock horror, Timbo backs down and uses his head for once.

It's all quite quiet and peaceful here today, but I just walked past KLCC and the Petronas Towers and there is a great big fence aroud the thing and a boat load of piggies in riot gear all stood around with their cry-maker gas guns (and no doubt the cold shower mobile around the corner on standby). Funny thing is that there are no protesters or anything, just some tourists standing and looking at the scene of police with some degree of confusion. I think Petronas are getting a bit worried, because now everybody is talking about why it isn't a publically listed company - it's accounts are totally opaque, there are no public shareholders, the only person they have to answer to is the Prime Minister and people are asking where the Billions of dollars in oil, petrol and gas revenues actually go. Interesting innit.
The Prime Minister told everybody that they have to learn how to save, but now most people are saying "save what?" as the price of Rice, Cooking Oil, Flour, Petrol, Diesel and Electric have all gone up considerably, and they're going to take away the subsidy for RapidKL (the main public transport company) very soon, and as the cost of transporting goods has basically doubled so everything else is going up as well.
The government did make a supremely magnanimous gesture this week though. They have AXED a whole 10% from the "entertainment budget" for Ministers - which comes in at an incredible several Million Rinngit, just in "entertainment" whatever that entails. So, they must be feeling the pinch now that they are down to only 3 types of canopees and the caviar is off the menu until the next budget. Poor things, it makes you weep doesn't it.

Have fun in the temperate zones,

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