7 Nov 2008

What to say about today?

Hello all, I can see I have a fair bit of catching up to do cos I haven't been blogging much recently. Well, what has been going on in my life since I last blathered at you? Well to be honest I'm not too sure, but I have ended up venturing into a new realm, that realm of music videos. Annoyingly my film has had to go on hold for a little while, whilst I end up editing this thing, which has taken up much more of my life than I ever really wanted it to, but there you have it, c'est la vie, and Adam the cameraman is very tied up with stuff anyway so can't shoot without him. Was that a very long sentence? Yes I think it was.
So we had a 3 days shoot for the video, but I think I told you that, and still haven't got around to putting up any photos. That's because I'm rubbish, I know.

Now it's nearly 3 weeks that I've been sat in this tiddly little edit suite, freezing my nuts off cos the air con is just too cold (can you believe I am wearing a hoodie right now? 2 degrees north of the equator I wear a hoodie zipped up. This is one seriously weird country).
The video is looking quite nice, but there are just a few too many cute looking children in it for me, it's just getting a bit too much what with all the cutesy cuddly chubby chops moments. Frankly, you all know me, I'd be much happier if it was a video where all the cute little children get attacked by Santa Clause with a chainsaw, and he throws them all into an enormous woodchipper machine, then brings the bags of child mince to their parents house and makes a pie which they are forced to eat before he does the same to them. But I don't have a voice anymore, thus it's cute children being cute and cuddly and nobody dies horribly.

Ho Hum.

Last weekend was jolly nice, as it was mine and Vanessas anniversary, and we went to Bangkok to stay with Kim, and go out and party in some real nightclubs rather than the lame and tepid selection that this (muslim) country has to offer. It's almost like the national fatwa council went "NO FUN ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY NIGHTS, EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT MUSLIM WE DON'T CARE, FROM HERE ON NIGHTCLUBS WON'T BE BANNED THEY'LL JUST BE BORING". So we went to Bangkok and had a lovely time

The fatwa council have been causing all sorts of jolly fun this last couple of weeks, when they declared that "tomboysism" is against Islam (apparently girls can't wear "mens clothing" whatever that means - bow ties? bowler hats?), lesbianism is against Islam (but I thought that was taken as red anyway what with gay men not being allowed) and then suddenly like a bolt out of nowhere they decided that Yoga was un-Islamic. Yoga???? What? What has bending in a relaxing manner got to do with anything?
This one is a bit lost on me.
What next? Step Aerobics?

This one has a good few people confused at the moment, especially pregnant Malay women who go to yoga to do their pelvic floor stuff, so it's been in all the papers over and over again. I don't think many people know what it's all about, but there we go.

Oh yeah, obama won. Hooray, goodbye Bush. I hope he spends the rest of his life being tormented by the souls of all the innocent blood he spilled for cash.

Anyway, love to all. I'm gotta get back to work and then go eat some food. Hugs to the nephews and nieces, and sorry aunty paul for forgetting your birthday.''


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