14 Apr 2008

Ear Syringing - oh what a joy

Good day to alll of you, I been out of the loop for quite sometime cos I been all busy trying to sort out all this stuff for my documentary innit. Now looking tres good though, I've got 6 interviews confirmed and seem to be on jolly cordial terms with everybody (just about) that I've contacted. There is one slight thorn in my side in the form of an australian bloke who lives in Singapore, used to be a journalist (dirty dirty media hacks) for the Telegraph in london, and he's being a bit bloody obtuse (and I suspect stirring things with a few of my key interviewees) because he's got a book on the subject and I rekon he's trying to trip me up cos he's afraid I'm going to steal his reasearch or some other nasty little twisted bits of poo that I could just do without.
We were supposed to start shooting tomorrow, but the lads got called away to another job, so we're postponing until the weekend. It looks like we might have interviews in Hong Kong and possibly even Australia too, so it's going to cost me boat loads of money if I gonna self-fund this jobby. But ho-de-ho, you gots to speculate to accumulate innit.
As for me, I had my ear syringed on saturday in the most recent flare up of my recurring ear-wax problem that dogs me every 6 months or so. My jaw is good and painful, as I got a little infection in there, so now Vanessa has the lovely task of dripping stuff into my beautifully gooey lughole, while I lay on my side going urgh-urh-blaargh (this is not a symptom, I just enjoy it). And they say romance is dead.

Furtherwise I recently bought over half a metre of books (at great personal expense) centred around WW2 in asia. I am setting myself up to be a bloody historian at this rate (vanessa says I not allowed that as a career choice cos no money in it) and am seriouslt considering writing a dissertation on the matter in a few months, cos then I can just go and get myself a PHD in asian history. Bit far fetched, I might need a few more meters of books inside my head before I am able to claim that, but I could certainly be a history lecturer in a Malaysian university (but this is not a great intellectual feat, as a rabid hamster would have a fair chance in the Malaysian higher eductation system).

Oh and I met an amazing woman yesterday (no not in that way, away with your dirty sordid minds) who was a founder memeber of Sisters in Islam. Brilliant, she just won an award as woman of the year, and she has spent the last 15 years trying to champion the rights of Islamic women. Proper lady, she is a very devout Muslim and incredibly intelligent, and with several friends of hers they sat down and studied the Qu'ran to see where all the patriarchal mysoginy came from, and to see if it really is written by god that women are subhuman inferiors to men. Needless to say that they found lots of bits in there that men have used to justify beating/opressing/subjegating "their" womenfolk, that are actually not what they say, but have simply been warped by the men in power to allow them to be gits. She was quite an inspirational speaker (as quite frankly she must have recieved god knows how many death threats and fatwa threats over the years) and has really made a lot of difference to women (islamic and non-islamic) all over the world. Hats off like. Got any Muslim friends? Do you think the woman is being oppressed? Tell her about Sisters in Islam, cos they have a lot of answers.

Love to all and try to avoid getting an ear infection, cos they're a right pain in the, erm, well, ear.

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