21 May 2008

Well, my arm isn't broken, just mashed up

Yesterday I spent a radiantly delightful 4 hours in the hospital, and an even more delightful RM500 (80 quid) on a bunch of x-rays, some fabulously strong drugs and a black wrist support which makes me look quite a lot like Luke Skywalker. It means that I can only move my left arm in the style of a late-90s raver, so I have dubbed my new robotic attachment "the rave claw".
One good thing to come of all this is that now most people have stopped greeting me with the standard "where you from?" and going for the even more inventive and mentally taxing "what happen your arm?". So, see good in bad I say.
At least the bloody thing isn't broken, but the soft tissue is pretty mangled up, and has started going black now as the deep internal bleeding from the impact has soaked through the muscle. Also my wrist is a delightful shade of yellowy-orange. My "good" knee has suffered a "good" bit of muscular damage, but lucky no tendons, ligaments or bone damage. Both are going to take about 6 weeks to heal.
So there we go, one unguarded moment and I get a busted MacBook (getting fixed next week), a limp, a rave-claw, an arm like a rainbow, 100 quid spunked away on hospital fees (quite literally poured down the drain) - but at least I got to top up my caustic vitriole gland, and can quite merrily call the government here a bunch of first rate, super-corrupt, lazy, uneducated shits, and I have a good reason to do it because it's their bloody fault I fell in a drain in the first place.

Love to all - ps: it's vanessas birthday on friday, she's 25

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