23 Mar 2008

F1 Hits town and everybody gone crazy mad

Yes today is the F1 Malaysian Grand Prix (the big willies as some might call it)and the whole of KL went bonkers last night with dozens of pre-F1 partys all over town.
Vanessa got invited to a huge corporate BMW car launch (cos of her work) where they had free booze all night for several thousand people. BMW have had partys on every night for the past 6 days with free booze all night, and I didn't get to go to bloody any of them. Typical.
So her party involved some bloke driving around doing some nifty tricks in an F1 standby car, pretty sweet, and a bloke on a BMW superbike doing stunts as if he were on a BMX. Sounded pretty sweet.
I on the other hand went to a hard house rave, at the bottom of the KL tower. Some very banging music went on until about 4am. It was brilliant, very very loud. This was the Ferrari pre-F1 party and I have to admit, whilst free booze would have been good, the music was pumping and I had a great night with friends. Vanessa joined me about 1am, so we both got to dance very drunkenly together. The dance floor was a very shoddy wooden construction, evidently bashed together by Indonesian illegal workers (who are without question a bargain) - the construction did manage to last a good few hours, but with people dancing on it the floor resembled a trampoline, which 3/4 inch plywood is not the best materiel for. So yes, large portions sort of collapsed a bit, but nobody got hurt and it was jolly entertaining.
As for me, I managed to sneak in half a bottle of vodka using an age old technique that evidently hasn't filtered down to malaysian bouncers. Go into venue, buy bottle of water, exit venue holding bottle, empty water, fill vodka, enter venue with bottle in hand. Amazing, I really didn't think they'd be so blur not to check, but there I went not a bother. Good job because they only sold beer at the bar and to get drunk on cans of tiger is virtually impossible, as you get very bloated and have to micturate copiously throughout the night.
Oh yes, and at one point I accidentally shoulder barged one bloke in the face, as it was very busy and I'm a clumsy drunken oaf. I turned around to say sorry, and would you believe, it was a flipping policeman!! I clattered a copper right accross the jaw with my shoulder and got away with it, I went "ooh sorry" and he just looked shocked and put a hand up to his sore chops feeling sorry for himself.
Waaahahahaaaaahahahaaaaaaahhaahahhahahaaaaa, I've never seen something so funny in all my life.
I got to assault an officer of the law for the first time in my life, got away with it, and you know what? It felt gooooood, so good I might try it again someday.

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