20 Mar 2008

Time for a bit of spring cleaning

I got bored with looking at the same old blog layout (plus looking at white screens isn't very good for your eyes) so I have had a bit of a fiddle around with the settings as you may have noticed.
I hope this layout pleases you all.
You may note the survey I have added on the right of screen - please cast your vote here as I feel this is a very pressing subject, and your contribution to this survey (and others that I may add in the future depending on whether anybody other than myself clicks on a selection) will add greatly to the richness of human knowledge. Don't tell me you've never considered such a question before.
Results will be published upon survey conclusion.

Today is a public holiday, so I actually get to spend a day with Vanessa. It's something or other to do with Prophet Mohammed, his birthday perhaps I'm not sure. This week I've been working as a location sound recordist for an amazing new groundbreaking production, oh yes, it's been beyond fantastic. Now I can add to my lengthy CV the glorious prestige of "malaysian daytime TV mother and baby chat show". Yes oh yes, my career is truely at its peak, doing interviews with women talking about epidurals, labour pains, breast feeding, farting, morning sickness, c-sections, stitches, seepage, cravings and all the accoutrements of the very messy process of birthing. Well, isn't that just great, I'm so happy for myself I could slit my wrists, but it's a job and it got me out of the house.
Again I got to slight several malaysian "celebritities" by going around to their houses to interview them and just sort of blanking them (not intentionally) because I've never heard of them. Lets face it, the only real malaysian celebrity that anybody has ever heard of is Michelle Yeoh (crouching tiger hidden dragon, tomorrow never dies, memoirs of a geisha, rape of Nanking and a good amount of other ones) but I bet you didn't even realise she was Malaysian - or in fact care, neither do I I'm just trying to illustrate a point. Erm what was my point, I did have one. Oh yes here we are.
Malaysian celebrities make me laugh, they think they're so great and so talented, but really they got all the talent of a dead hamster and nobody outside of the remote villages (the ones who watch the really appalling local TV channels) would ever be remotely impressed by being in the prescence of them or even remotely moved by their performances. The acting standards in this country are so vomit inducingly poor it really is embarrassing to watch, it's even more embarrassing to watch a totally dire director try and "coach" a performance (i.e: reading straight from the guidebook to "the worlds most hammy and uninspirational acting, and how to make a point by over-emphasising the completely wrong words and syllables"). Then when the "actor" has made what I would consider a poor performance for an infant school nativity play the director is going "yeah, wow great, but can you be a bit more, you know natural, perhaps start the line with 'phew' or 'waaah' or something, you know, like you're talking to your friends right" so of course the lame attempts that came before seem akin to an oscar winning performance from Kevin Spacey when they try again, but trying to naturally begin a sentence with "phew". Ho ho ho, these people are truly hilarious, even moreso when they try and behave all diva style, as if they have actually earned the right to behave like an important person, waaahaahahaaa. Natuarlly I have made a few enemies by saying things like "do it yourself, what you think I'm here for you?" and "perhaps in this take you could try and, you know, act. It's what actors do".
When oh when oh when will somebody with even a hint of talent get on screen here? When oh when will somebody who has any idea what they are doing open an acting school here?? When oh when.

Erm, not much else to report except I just got soaked walking the dog because we're having freak monsoon downpours in the dry season. Oh and I want to spend quite a bit of cash on a professional video camera and have been hemming and hawing about it, but a fortune cookie I ate this afternoon told me that "an investment I make will pay off more than you had ever imagined". So I rekon I'm gonna just go for it. Well, a bit of paper in a piece of savoury confectionary can't be wrong now can it.

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