8 Mar 2008

Ha ha, the jibber master returns

Top of the morning to ye, and sorry it been so long since wot I wrote sumfink here.
Yes, I am indeed one lazy blogger, on top of that I have been tied up trying to organise a new project, add to this the need to reformat my computer (due to lots of reasons, not the least of which was a deep seated registry virus that was just getting right on my nerves).

So, I don't really know what has happened since I last saw you. I've read a lot of malaysian history books though, and that has led me on to a new project which I'm about to start this week, all done by myself and at my own expense, which is a bit poo, but I can't be bothered to grovel to a load of numties for financing cos then they'll just start stomping their idiot ideas around and changing the whole thing. So I keeping this one all to myself.
First step however is forking out a boat load of money on a new video camera. Tomorrow I shall be purchasing a Sony HVR-A1, which is a lovely little thing, and at the entry level of professional HDV cameras. It ain't cheap, at around £1500, but I figure that it's a definite investmant. Mini DV cameras are cheaper, but basically, MiniDV is utter stink innit.

So, that's mondays job, then I go north to Ipoh to start my new career move as documentary film-maker, we'll see how that one goes (and yes of course, how long it lasts).

What else? The sodding taxman stung me for a £100 fine, cos i didn't fill in my taxreturn on time. Arse!!!
Oh and I missed mothers day, even though dad sent me an SMS saying "mothers day on sunday, don't miss it". Ooops, not sure how that one slipped the net, I was fair convinced that it was this sunday coming up. My only real excuse is that I generally haven't got a clue what day/date/month or in fact what year it is these days. Floating along in my own little bubble of blur.

So there we have it, I'm gonna go and start being a film-maker this week, I gonna send you photos of my first recce into the shooting territory.

love to all

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